Craft Breweries and Modern Technology
Recognizing that
beer is something people associate with a social environment, craft beer
companies have hand tailored their digital and social media marketing strategies,
and employed them in a way that connects with local communities and regions.
In using these
modern strategies, the difficulty that continues to arise is garnering the
following and support of influential and credible people. These people in turn
become figureheads for those interested in your brewery and product, and
inadvertently become ambassadors for your brand. The potential that these
ambassadors hold as a benefit to your company could have a positive or negative impact. Especially when a craft brewery is new and has yet to
establish a strong following, even a single negative review can be
detrimental. It only takes a few bad
reviews for that to become a company’s entire online presence, and in turn, could
irrecusably be damaging their brand.
So without further adieu, I give you this week's ratings.

Russell Brewing Company had a very promising start for the Council and we look forward to expanding our Tasting Map so close to home. Perhaps our first brewing tour?
The Council gave Angry Scotch Ale an average score of 3.5/5.
Kyle's opinion on this beer, "Smooth, drinkable, enjoyable, but only gets the silver medal from me."
Tyrone's Pick - Brewery & Beer #2 -This beer is called the Big Bock from Hoyne Brewing in Victoria, BC. This is the Council's second attempt from Hoyne Brewing and we were blown away. Hoyne describes this beer with some humour by saying, "The Majestic Rooster, unafraid to strut his colours. Proud. His voice clear and strong (maybe a bit annoying if you were hoping to sleep in). When he boldly proclaims his dominion, his entire flock listens, or pretends not to listen. Here is to standing proud, admiring your flock, and proclaiming "cock-a-doodle-do!"

Tyrone's Opinion of this beer, "It's like a 5 x 4 buck and a good wife, more than effort is needed to find it. You don't find it unless you put in the effort."

Brewery & Beer #3 - Tim's Picks - This beer is called The One That Got Away made by Longwood Brewpub out of Nanaimo, BC. Definitely a unique flavour to it, but not overpowering; it has a slight red hue, a subtle sour and bitter aftertaste. I sensed a hint of banana in the palette, which makes the bitter flavour not so aggressive in the end.
Longwood describes this beer as, "A red wheat ale inspired by the BC Tough's annual West Coast Tuna Shootout, a fishing derby that takes place in the wild waters of Bamfield, BC. This ease drinking, unfiltered ale is made with 50% wheat, barley and a health dose of crystal malt to create a slight sweet, burnt copper coloured beer. Ideal for pairing with any west coast seafood... Don't let this be the one that got away!"
Overall, we quite enjoyed this brew and all agreed to we could handle a night of drinking it. It received an above average score of 3.7.
Tim's opinion on this beer, "Everyone has "the one that got away" and this is a bit of a heffer. This one is full of colour, doesn't give too much head, is a little yeasty, but just ever so sweet. Tasty, but I'm not too phased it got away in the first place."
Brewery & Beer #4 - Our Bonus Beer this week is a homebrew named Jack-o-Heed and it was made by Greg Clark of Langley, B.C. He was aiming for a chocolate pumpkin porter and hit the nail on the head. We were honoured to try his homebrew after hearing from friends how seriously he takes his personal craft. The body looked as thick as Guinness, but certainly didn't taste like it and we were all pleasantly surprised by how smooth it was.
We would describe it as, "Thick, dark and robust with a foam that never settles. Brewed with care and the taste to prove it. It has subtle pumpkin flavour throughout and a wonderful roasted chocolate aftertaste. Superb!"
Greg is entering Barley's Homebrewing Supplies contest for the best homebrew; if he doesn't take home the win, we'll be surprised.
Council's Verdict
Beer Name | Kyle | Tim | Tyrone | Average Rating | |
Angry Scotch Ale
| |
Big Buck
| |
The One That Got Away
| |
Bonus Beer: Jack-o-Heed Porter
Canadian Brewing Awards -
Russell Brewing -
Hoyne Brewing -
Longwood Brewpup -
Barley's Homebrewing Supplies -
Russell Brewing -
Hoyne Brewing -
Longwood Brewpup -
Barley's Homebrewing Supplies -